Monday 16 May 2022

That wild blue flower

 Gentiana scabra, the Japanese gentian. 
Laitlum canyon, Meghalaya in the backdrop.

Oh why don't you see
My unfading love for thee,
vast and deep as the canyon,
and beyond everything
it could be!

I have so much to say,
Yet time is hard to find.
I wonder if it would suffice
with a poem that rhymes.

For I imagined our love will be,
Like the wild blue flower
Blooming unseen in the valley,
Hidden under the bower,
against all odds,
in abundance and glory.

Nevertheless it refused to be,
As uncaring and free as the
Winds and the sea.

And so I leave behind,
some thoughts well-defined,
some feelings unwind,
seeking that peace of mind.

Words said unsaid,
and letting go just fine.
Hoping in another lifetime,
you could be mine!


  1. কথাৰো যে কিমান কথা

    পাতি পাতি শেশ নহোৱা কথা
    নেপাতি নেপাতি পাহৰি পেলোৱা কথা

    সুন্দৰ চিন্তাধাৰা আৰু সুন্দৰ মনতেই উপজা এই কথা!

    1. ইমান সুন্দৰকৈ প্ৰশংসা প্ৰকাশ কৰিছে। ধন্যবাদ। 🙏🏼


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