Wednesday 25 December 2019

Winter nostalgia

I wish for the cold winter nights
When I was a child,
Book in hand and wrapped in blanket
Dozing off in between,
Lulled by the coziness.

Cold icy winds, teeth chattering
As I blow warm breath into the air
And watch it melt into nothingness.
Oh icy winters at home
I miss you, each passing year.

I miss watching the wide fields at night
Engulfed in blankets of white fog
Screening the view beyond
And everything around.
Is there a ghost amidst the obscureness
Or the misty nightfall played
A scene of mystery 
To scare me!

I miss my winter gloves,
The home knit sweaters and woollen socks;
Colourful muffler and a knitted cap
All around my head
Ruffling my hair.
Doubly protected in every lining of cloth,
The winter chill reminds me
Of the cheer of staying indoors
A blazing evening fire,
Water boiling in the kettle;
All things warm and comforting.

Shining light through the misty mornings,
Icy cold water to the touch;
Basking in the winter sun
After a very reluctant bath.

Memories and memories
Of fond winter holidays
When the atmosphere was much colder
And the fun of winter shivers
Cast a happy spell, amidst all.

Monday 18 November 2019

Dreamy mind and soul

I meant not to be pretty
Just a little hasty
Fleeting from flower to flower
Sniffing for that familiar fragrance;
One that hits the right note
One that the soul seeks.

I dream often
And often I dream,
Of funny things and
Cones of Ice cream,
Or that rainbow across the sky
And the bird flying by;
Hopes and desires
Writ in large bold letters.

Sometimes it makes no sense
And then I let it be.
Fragments of thoughts and 
The infinities within it,
Color up that canvas
Of my dreamy mind and soul.

Friday 1 November 2019

Sunset, hopes and sadness

Sunsets are hope for
Another day of sunrise in the fields,
For the birds to go back to their nests,
For seekers to find their destination,
For lovers to spend a night together.

Why is it then sunset also brings in 
Some sadness.
Sad for another day gone by,
Sad for not doing things as planned,
Sad for not saying things harboured in the heart,
Sad for it brings another day closer to existence.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Heartaches and Pancakes

Pancakes I like
Perfectly round and fluffy.
A batter of flour and eggs
Mixed with a pinch of love 
and all things sweet,
Can uplift a gloomy soul to
happy in minutes.

But heartaches I don't like
They're difficult to go through. 
Anxiety and a searing pain
That turns a happy soul to 
Melancholy in minutes.

So what if I had heartaches 
and pancakes together
Would it soothe the aching heart?
The sweetness to cut out
The burn left behind.

It may be a good combination
Atleast it rhymes well.
Its nothing like something
made with love and sugar
That cant heal a thing.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

What am I?

Look closer
I may not be
What you seem to perceive.
I can be sweet but mean
As cold as in your dream.
I can be warm as the summer 
Or chilly like the winter wind.
I can be a hound lying
In the shadows
Waiting to pounce on your innocent soul.

Or maybe I am none of these
But just a figment of your imagination
That haunts you day and night
Never for once leaving your hazy sight.

Friday 11 October 2019

The ocean calms my restless soul

I stand and gaze
As the sun goes down
To meet its beloved,
At the end of a tiring day.

Darkness presumed soon after
But the glow of the last yellow rays,
Talked of a promise
To meet another day.

I wonder what the tales are,
That the sun whispers to the water
As it nears the horizon
Longing for a kiss thats warm.

As I stand there
Fleeting through my endless thoughts
I realised I have touched shore
"The ocean calms my restless soul".

Man, woman and their travels

     As you watch travel vlogs on YouTube, you will often see a man and a woman touring fascinating and unexplored places in the world. Ther...